Sushi Love

  Hello Hello ~ Need a reason to tie on an apron?  Well why not sushi, so delicious and super healthy. Recently I went home to Alaska for a visit, my parents take full advantage of what this fine ocean has to offer.  We set the crab pots, and ended up with a lot of crab.  So how about a real California Roll.  My daughters favorite.  We also made tuna avocado red pepper rolls, with tuna they recently caught in Mexico.

  The first thing to get in order when it comes to sushi is the rice.......3 cups dry rice.....3 cups water....yields 6 cups cooked rice.  Rinsing the rice is very important.  Then cook accordingly.  While the rice is cooking you can prepare the Sushi Vinegar Dressing.  Since we will end up with 6 cups of cooked rice.  The Dressing consists of 5 tablespoons rice vinegar, 1 1/2 teaspoons sea salt, and 2 tablespoons sugar.  If you are using a wooden paddle and bowl, soak them in water now.  So they won't absorb the dressing during the sushi rice preparation.  Transfer the steamy hot rice to your bowl.....quickly break up the rice crisscrossing it with your paddle. Pour the vinegar dressing over the rice, turning the rice over w/ your paddle. Pushing it from one side to the other.  Then let it cool to room temp, you can fan it with a folded paper if you like.

Now lets get rolling ~ Locating your mat would be a good idea. Look at that fresh dungeness crab, so crazy good.  Place your seaweed sheet shiny side down, evenly on the mat.  Have a little bowl of water nearby for rinsing your fingers, sometimes that rice can get sticky.  Press and push the rice onto the seaweed, flattening it evenly.  Make a line of what you desire your sushi to consist of.  For us it is fresh avocado, cucumber, and crab. Sprinkling sesame seeds all over is a tasty addition.  We also thinly sliced some tuna, added red pepper, sesame seeds, and avocado.  So for this batch we had two different kinds of rolls. But by all means make whatever you like.

Rolling the sushi really is a lot easier than it looks.  Just roll the seaweed up, and use the mat to pull it all together. Then using the water, seal the edge of the seaweed to the roll.

Now we can get ready to slice the sushi ~ make sure you have a really sharp knife.  Plus remember to rinse your knife with that little bowl of water, for a really clean strait cut. Wahoo ~ you are almost done.

There are a lot of different sauces out there ~ I however love sriracha mayo.  So crazy easy, sriracha chili sauce can be found in the Asian food section of almost any grocery store.  Big red bottle with a rooster on it. Pure goodness on a lot of different food. So just put some mayo in a bowl, like a half cup or so. Start adding sriracha, mixing it until you have it as spicy as you like.  So good, plus there are many other sauces that are just as lovely, or even lovelier I am sure.  

I really don't need to go into detail about where to purchase all the fine ingredients to whip up this goodness.  Most grocery stores and almost all health food stores carry all the ingredients you need to put this together.  I personally like to order a lot of these items through  And a great book about all of this is "The Sushi Experience" by Hiroko Shimbo.  So I think you should give it a try ~ its true love I tell you!

So how about a rock for a plate ~ yes please!  I wish you all a very pleasant sushi experience........Dacia


  1. Looking forward to making some of these. ..haven't since New Hampshire. Way too long. Just need to find some "real" good seafood...tough to find here in North Dakota :-(


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