Creating Your Space

Greetings ~ Well today I am going to talk about the importance of letting go of the old.  To make room for the new.  Things that no longer serve us.  My Mum was here visiting recently, and she is always up for a purge.  So she was really the inspiration, my front room as I call it was FULL of all kinds of items.  Items of mine or the spawns.  It is also where I create.  With that said, there was all those things I was going to create, that haven't happened in say the last year.  Yeah go ahead and let go of that too!
So in order to really let go ~ one must allow the process!  First of all the "I might one day need this" attitude has to ~ be gone.  When you need it ~ whatever it is ~ trust and allow that it will be there.  However you obtain it, leave it up to the universe.  Once this comes into play, its REALLY easy to let go.  Grab that bag and start filling it, let go of everything, that you are not using at this time.  Keep filling your bag, once you start, it will feel so good.  Ya know, Janis Joplin once said "Tomorrow never happens man.......its all the same fucking day man"  So this is a good mantra for letting go.  Trust and allow, your space is waiting to be claimed.
I am so worthy of a clean, useful workspace.  So are you, what you are doing of importance in your life, deserves a proper clean clutter free environment. What you need at the time, it will just present itself.  Plus you will feel so much lighter, always a good feeling.  Clutter can so disrupt our lives, clutter in the home, really is clutter in the brain.  Which leads me to move onto sentimental items.  Let them go too.  Really all we have is this moment, why clutter it with stuff from the past that you don't give a rats ass about.  And whatever you do ~ don't keep something because someone you love gave it to you.  Just the love you share ~ is good enough.  If that love no longer is mutual, then all the more reason to let go.
Well a really nice aspect of downsizing is, you can actually find things.  Everything of purpose has a place.  Useful and meaning full, isn't that what its all about ~ In life.  We as humans want to be useful, we want our relationships with other humans to be meaningful.  When our environment is useful and meaning full, we are too.  We must bring our special gift or talent to the table.  When our space is accommodating to creation, we create.  So whatever it is that you do ~ go do it. Grab that bag and start filling it, fill it with what you no longer need.
When we purge, we create space for new things to enter.  So make it good.  Set new goals, transformation will happen.  Use this energy, its powerful. So get that shit gone, and enjoy your peaceful new atmosphere.  We are all blessed with our gift, share it without attachment.  Namaste.
