hippie goddess camp ~ craft ideas for the perfect getaway

oh my goodness ~ i don't know where to begin..... that was absolutely a wonderful summer. full to the brim with people, good times, and plenty of simply josephine sweetness.  i am going to go back to where i left off.....my last post was june 3rd ~ umm okay.  in june we had a fabulous family camping trip ~ its the kind of camp out you look forward to year round. i was in charge of the crafts so to speak haha ~ hippie goddess camp it was ~ don't worry the boys had their own version

so of course i have lots of fabric lying around ~ decoration for camp yay.  i simply cut strips of fabric ~ and we tied them onto rope ~ strung around camp.  hippie garlands

if you don't have fabric scrapes lying around.....go to the thrift store and buy some old sheets and cut those into strips ~ tie onto rope

next we moved onto ~ flower bracelets ~ secure duct tape sticky side out ~ around wrist to make a bracelet ~ and stick whatever loveliness you find growing ~ children LOVE this activity and its always good to promote plant medicine

stick the flowers right to the duct tape ~ camp jewelry ~ what fun

this beautiful planet we call home has so much to offer  ~ so don't forget to get out there and connect with our mother ~ hippie goddess camp is just a bonus.......wait don't forget your flower crown

always bring a nice pair of clippers ~ so you can cut willows or something similar ~ to weave into a crown

start with a willow branch weave around to fit the head ~ then stick flowers or fern and leaves into the crown.....so much fun and goddess camp for sure

the boys had fun too ~ doing things of their own....

the sweet day of summer are gone ~ i'm happy that fall is upon us.  let's not forget how fast summer leaves, we should at least get in one family camp out.  anyway i wish you all a happy fall and hopefully i have inspired you for future camping...... 
