How To Make Your Own Rose Water + Create A Nourishing Rose Body Spray

Flowers make me smile and they are everywhere, this time of year.  I love to make a lot of my body products, so making rose water just seemed like a good idea.  I researched it a little, there are a lot of tutorials on youtube.  Most of my information came from Rosemary Gladstar's book Herbal Recipes for Vibrant Health.  I love this book, and if you are at all interested in making your own herbal potions, I suggest you purchase it Here.  I used the steam distillation method.  I collected these beauties from Kasanka Convenience Store, in a hail storm.  Off to the side they have a rather unkept flower bed, which also leads me to believe that it hadn't been sprayed.  Always good to avoid the spray, especially with things you are putting on your body.  We had beautifully strong powerful spring weather today, sunshine, rain, thunder, sunshine, hail, sunshine, more rain.  I also have a yellow rose bush in my yard, I collected from there as well.

Since it had rained so much today, I decided not to rinse my flowers.  But had it been a dry day, I probably would have.  I gently pulled all the petals off, and put them in a measuring jar.  I ended up with 8 cups, or 2 quarts.  Then I set up the home still, it consisted of a rock in the bottom of a large pot(A brick would work too).  A small glass bowl was set on the rock, and water was then filled up to the bottom of the bowl.  Turn the stove on and bring to a boil.

Add the rose petals, on the outside of the bowl. Then place the lid, upside down over it.  The idea is that the collected lid water will drip into the bowl.  And that is the rose water.  As the water boils, steam rises, hits the cold lid, and condenses.  Then place ice cubes on the upside down lid.

Now this took about an hour, I did pour out the melted ice, and re added ice to the lid three times.  Each time I took the lid off I would spoon out the rosewater, into a separate clean jar.  All in all I ended up with about 1/2 cup of rose water.  It smells so good.  Then I decided to make a nourishing skin spray.  Something to put on my skin after a day at the lake.  Rose water has been used for centuries to soothe and replenish skin.  It helps to balance the ph, and it also has anti inflammatory properties.

Nourishing Rose Body Spray

1/2 C Rose Water
1/4 C Jojoba Oil
1/4 C Witch Hazel (found at most drug stores)
Essential Oil (optional)
Spray Bottle 

Pour everything into your spray bottle, and shake.  I always put a few crystals in my bottles of goodness.  Crystals increase the vibration of the product, in other words, it makes it more effective. I used ylang ylang essential oil, because it is my favorite.  A lot of my other products have that scent as well.  But any essential oil would be nice, so would leaving it out. Simply spray your body down, and rub it in.  Very lovely, perfect on a hot afternoon for thirsty skin.

The oil will rise to the top, that is fine, just give it a good shake before you apply.  Roses are so feminine, I just love them.  I encourage you to bring a little plant magic into your life.   It feels very good to connect to the plant world, in our busy hectic lives.  Take a little time to pause and breath in the roses. If you want to keep up with my posts, you can Subscribe Here, and they will be delivered right to your inbox.  Another great way to keep in touch is through Instagram or Facebook.  May you all have peace, and may you be well. Namaste



  1. Just loved it Dacia! And especially love the last picture of Josie!

    1. Thanks Mom, I enjoyed the process. Had to Josie in there, it seemed too perfect.


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